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+7 (495) 198-08-23 +7-991-109-6967 (WhatsApp, Viber) |
It's not a ceiling – it's a CeruttiST |
111024, г. Moscow, 2-nd Entuziastov 5, Russia
(WhatsApp, Viber)
Mon-Fr 10:00 - 20:00
Tension Textiles, Installation
YouTube .
General process, 3:58
Special tools, 0:15
Details, 9:41
Mounting, 1:51
Liths, 0:50
Helpful tip, 0:10
How to deal with folds, 0:33
Heating, 0:58
Electricity, 0:52
Trimming, 0:39
Quick mounting, 0:57
Bad quality walla, 0:06
Step by step installation in a room with externalprotruding corners
To install a canvas ceiling in an L-shaped room, divide the space into separate sections and treat each as its own room. Begin by securing the canvas to the main part of the room, following the principle of "from the center to the corners." To cover the protruding corner, cut the canvas so that the second section fits into the second part of the room. This technique applies to any room with protruding corners. Follow these steps to successfully install a canvas ceiling in your space!
Step by step installation in a room without external corners
To install your canvas, begin with the central sections (numbered consecutively from 1 to 4) and fasten the canvas from the wall to the corners, ensuring even spacing on each wall. For instance, if you fix the canvas at two points to the left and right of the center on the first long wall, proceed to do the same on the opposite long wall. Then, move on to the first narrow wall, followed by its opposite. By following these steps, your canvas will be secured and looking great in no time!
Following these rules can help professional installers unfamiliar with CeruttiST technology, as well as those who want to install fabric ceilings on their own. Don't forget, we offer a free Illustrated Installation Guide with your first order as a helpful reminder. With our guide and these tips, you'll have no problem achieving a flawless installation!