Москва | +7 (495) 198-08-23, +7-991-109-6967 (WhatsApp, Viber) |
Брянск | +7 (920) 607-33-05 |
Воронеж | +7 (473) 232-32-13 |
Иркутск | +7 (908) 661-1440 |
Калининград | +7 (911) 459-1223 |
Н. Новгород | +7 (831) 420-53-36 |
Новосибирск | +7 (923) 248-51-75 |
Петрозаводск | +7 (921) 700-19-99 |
Санкт-Петербург | +7 (812) 333-08-55 |
Краснодар | +7 (962) 851-75-17 |
Чебоксары | +7 (961) 347-69-80 |
Другие регионы |
+7 (495) 198-08-23 +7-991-109-6967 (WhatsApp, Viber) |
It's not a ceiling – it's a CeruttiST |
Our Location
111024, г. Moscow, 2-nd Entuziastov 5, Russia
+7 (495) 198-08-23,
(WhatsApp, Viber)
(WhatsApp, Viber)
Opening Hours
Mon-Fr 10:00 - 20:00
Bespoke shapes
Multilevelled Shapes for Ceillings and Stands
Thanks to the liberty of creation with the whole profiles CeruttiST, the design of volumes and forms in 3 dimensions offer many possibilities. All the architectural forms can be created: cones, paved, cubic, pyramids, vaults, full-clotheshangers, semicircular arches, ogives, tri and five-sided, etc
These structures are the ideal solution for the creation of event structures for shows, exhibitions, official receptions, TV shows